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HOLD ON - 2024 Has Arrived:
It's Gonna Be A Long Year.

MARCH 15, 2024

Will 2024 be the year that the USA is saved from communism and tyranny OR not?

The Southern Border has been overrun with illegal aliens and US citizens have been murdered and raped as a result. Illegals have even been flown to points across the US from Central America. Yet the federal government refuses to take action and stop the illegals from crossing our border or deport them once they illegaly cross the border. Why are these illegals more valuable than US citizens?

This US citizen is concerned for the future of my country and the future of my children and grandchildren. This craziness must STOP. 

What can we do? VOTE!

Vote for candidates who LOVE THE USA and who will support The Constitution!! 🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸

--Boomer Girl Opines


White Structure

Thankfully, 2023 Arrived!

January 9, 2023

The rolling of the calendar from 2022 to 2023 often entails a champagne toast, a kiss at midnight, and the making of numerous resolutions, many that are repeated from the prior year. I would imagine that Lose Weight via exercise and diet, Be Nice to My Family, and Lower My Stress Level would be in the top five resolutions.

Personally, I stopped making resolutions a few years ago as I usually forgot them after a week or two. The last couple of years I've selected a Word to represent my intentions for the new year. For 2022 my word was HOME. Unhappy with the neighborhood where I lived, I vowed to resolve the situation in 2022. And, I did. I sold my home and moved into a smaller one in a 55+ community only 30 minutes away. Win-Win.

My word for 2023 is FINISH. My goal is to complete and publish the first three books in my Coyote Cove Mystery Series. There - I said it. Now I must Finish. I better get to work!


During 2023 I will continue to pay close attention to national and Texas politics. I'm a Constitutional Conservative who loves the USA 🇺🇸 and believes in Truth, Justice, and the American Way. Rock on y'all -- 2023 is gonna be awesome!!

--Boomer Girl Opines



And now it begins.

August 25, 2022

I've decided to place my thoughts about current events and the state of the USA on this website. As a grandmother, I am very concerned about the current state of affairs and the future my four grandsons will face. It is definitely not what I envisioned or would want for them.


In fact, if I had the power of a magic wand, I would wave it over Washington, DC and erase every incompetent person in Congress, the White House, and every federal agency. We the People must live by the dictates of the U.S. Constitution and we must require our elected officials and government employees to do the same. After all, no one is above the law.

There is a long list of those who appear to be above the law. You know who they are. My magic wand would have a field day dealing with this list of anti-Americans. I've wondered a million times how these people became so against their native country. You know there is a reason and it doesn't deal with what are the best policies for the American people as a whole. No, it is related to personal gain. As I've said many times on Twitter: "Follow the money."


Yep, I figure that most politicians and other public figures who vote for and implement policies so detrimental to We the People, do so because they are being paid by one of our enemies to undermine the USA. We all know that money talks and doesn't give a damn for who is hurt. Just ask Joe.

--Boomer Girl Opines


American Heart 2

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